


Computer Typing

Certainly! A Computer Typing Course typically covers keyboard skills, touch typing, and basic computer literacy. Here’s a concise overview: 

Typing Skills: 
1. Learn proper keyboarding posture. 
2. Familiarize yourself with alphabet keys, number keys, and special symbol keys. 
3. Practice typing using online tutorials1. 
Computer Basics: 
1. Understand operating systems (Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS). 
2. Gain basic operating skills. 
3. Explore MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). 
4. Learn internet browsing and email etiquette.
Practical Sessions: 
1. Practice typing sentences, paragraphs, and passages. 
2. Work on letter writing, curriculum vitae, and statement pages. 
3. Set and practice statement/mark sheet formats. 

Remember, mastering touch typing and computer skills opens up opportunities in various fields! 

Duration: 2 Months
Fee: Rs. 2200